On the 1st November 2017 we became ‘The Carlton Junior Academy’, a member of the Redhill Academy Trust as the lead Primary to develop this arm of their Trust.

The Redhill Academy Trust has four principles that guide everything our academies aim to achieve:

  • High expectations of all pupils
  • Valuing and celebrating academic achievement
  • Outstanding teaching for all pupils
  • Widening pupils’ experiences through a range of extra-curricular activities including sports and the performing arts

Known previously as Carlton Central Junior School we remain situated on a large, elevated site shared with our feeder Infant & Nursery School who have also converted to ‘The Carlton Infant Academy’ as part of the Redhill Trust. The majority of children transfer from there in the academic year in which they are eight. There are currently 228 children on roll.

Our Academy/School has been serving the local community since June 1964, when it originally opened its doors as Carlton Central County Primary School. We are always aiming to improve our provision to enable pupils to achieve the highest standards. Developing our partnerships helps to provide maximum opportunities for our pupils and encourages positive working relationships between staff, parents and governors.

The Academy has gained Eco Status, Achievement for All Gold Mark (Lead School), Healthy Schools’ Gold Status and Enhanced Status, Investors in Pupils, Schools’ Financial Value Standard, EPICT e-Safety, Forest Schools accreditation. Additionally the school is involved in the Local, and more recently National, Leaders of Education programmes supporting several Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Schools.