Our Year 6 Curriculum

Why not have a look at our curriculum maps and see what you will be learning this year? Where will our learning journey take you?

Curriculum Map Whole Year Journey – Year 6

Curriculum Overview Year 6 Autumn

Curriculum Overview Year 6 Spring

Curriculum Overview Year 6 Summer

Year 6

Pear Class

Mrs Charlesworth

Favourite colour: Blue

Favourite subject: English

Favourite book: War Horse

Best holiday: Paris

Interesting fact: I have swam in a lake with snakes.

Willow Class

Miss Hodgson

Favourite colour: Blue

Favourite subject: Maths

Favourite book: A book called ‘Ship to Shore’ because my Grandad wrote it

Best holiday: Egypt- I love the sea and the sun!

Interesting fact: I used to be in a band.

Pear Class

Mrs Willson

Favourite colour: Purple

Favourite subject: Art and Maths

Favourite book: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling or any Alex
Cross book by James Patterson.

Best holiday: America for my Honeymoon. We cycled over the Golden Gate Bridge,
saw the Grand Canyon and visited Universal Studios California.

Interesting fact: I have stroked a tiger, fed an elephant and rode in a hot air balloon.

Willow Class

Mrs de Gilbert

Favourite colour: Yellow

Favourite subject: RE

Favourite book: The Raging Quiet because I read it as a child and it stayed with me always.

Best holiday: Bali because I had my honeymoon there.

Interesting fact: I once swam with sharks!

Year 6 Teaching Assistants 

Miss Lawson

Mr Huskinson

Mrs Bamford

History- Shang Dynasty

This term we are learning about the ancient civilisation of the Shang Dynasty. We will explore where in the world this civilisation existed and investigate how they created silk and Oracle bones. Also we will investigate the hierarchy of society by looking at the government and the different classes which included the ruling family, nobles, craftspeople and slaves. We will examine the different religions and the importance of bronze for warriors and chariots. Finally, we will consider the importance of calligraphy and experiment writing our names in Mandarin.

Geography- Asia and Australasia

In Geography, we will be using maps to explore Asia and Australasia. We will use 6 figure grid
references to locate the main countries in Asia and Oceania and identify their main environmental regions including the key physical and human characteristics such as major cities, oceans and mountains. Finally, we will investigate how decisions about places and environments affect the future quality of people’s lives.

Science- Electricity and Living things and their habitats

This term, our Science topics will be exploring ‘Electricity' and ‘Living things and their habitats’. In Electricity, We will be building on our work from Year 4 by constructing a series of simple circuits and learning how circuit components can be represented by symbols. In Living things and their habitats, we’ll again be building on our work from Year 4, by exploring the work of scientist Carl Linnaeus and learning how to classify animals into vertebrates and invertebrates.

RE- Inspirational People in Today’s World

In Inspirational People in Today’s World, we’ll explore the work of Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi and Greta Thunberg and consider what makes a person inspiring. This links to our British Value of ‘mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs’, as we explore how different religious figures inspire people around the world. We’ll then consider the lessons and wisdom that have been left behind, and decide who we find most inspiring and why.

Our topic this term is ‘The Industrial Revolution’, in which we will be studying the Victorian Era and the advances made by people of this time. We will explore medical advancements, education and transport, among other aspects, for the children to be able to answer the question “Did the Industrial Revolution change Britain for the better?”.

Geography this term will be an extension of our History topic. We will be using our fieldwork skills to go on a walking tour of Nottingham city centre. There we will investigate the different buildings that were built during the Victorian times.

The Curriculum Newsletter outlines further details as to what we will be learning during the Autumn Term.

Click on the following links to further explore each of the topics covered in each subject:

History and Geography – The Industrial Revolution:








​In Science, we will be learning about Evolution & Light. Before we get started, why not do some research of your own? You could even research Charles Darwin and his book ‘On the Origin of Species’ or the evolution of the Peppered Moth?



Religious Education

In Religious Education, will be learning about ‘Teachings, Wisdom and Authority’.

Through this topic we will be looking at important figures from the 20th Century such as Alexander Graham Bell, Winston Churchill and George Eliot. Can you do some of your own investigating into why they are important figures? We will also be exploring ‘The Holocaust’ and thinking about the importance of battling prejudice and discrimination.

This term, we will be studying the Ancient Maya in our History topic, ‘Magnificent Maya’. We will begin by investigating two intrepid explorers called John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood who studied the ancient civilisation. We will then analyse artefacts and explore some of the cultural beliefs of the Maya and how they differ from modern day beliefs. In addition to this, we will learn about the production of chocolate and finally, we will explain the different predictions as to what happened to the Ancient Maya civilisation and what traditions have been kept by their ancestors.

In Geography, we will extend our knowledge and understanding beyond the local area to include Central and South America. This will include the location and characteristics of a range of Central and South America’s most significant physical features. We will develop our use of geographical knowledge, understanding and skills to use eight point compass points confidently and accurately, and draw and use maps and atlases.

Click on the following links to further explore each of the topics covered in each subject:


This term, our Science topic will be exploring ‘The Circulatory System’. We will be learning about the functions of the heart, blood vessels and lungs and their importance within our bodies. We will also consider the role of exercise in keeping our heart and lungs healthy. This will lead to some fun investigations looking at how our pulse changes during different types of exercise.

Religious Education

This term we will be learning about ‘Beliefs and Questions’. The children will explore the idea of consequences and how this might impact how a person behaves. We will explore the concept of Zakat and Judgement Day (in Islam) and Karma and Ahimsa (in Hinduism) and consider how we treat the world in which we live. Finally, we will consider how we can make the world a better place.