Welcome from the Chair

Dear Parents and Friends,

At the Carlton Junior Academy, Governors, staff, parents and children work together in a happy, creative and high attaining environment; with our core values of excellence, determination, respect, relationships and responsibility underpinning everything that we do.

The Governing Body is involved with our academy at every level. This includes finance, safeguarding, premises management and staff appointments. As Governors, we consider our most important role to be the safety, welfare and education of our pupils.

The children in our academy achieve high standards across the curriculum. We are justifiably very proud of them and would like to thank the parents who encourage and support their children so admirably. In a good academy, such as ours, parents take a great interest in their child’s learning and development so together “We Grow Greatness.”

Governors are appointed to ensure that objectives are met, and that future planning is both visionary and realistic. We provide strategic direction and ensure the clarity of vision and ethos needed for the improvement of the academy;  we monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the academy; we hold the leaders to account for the educational performance of the academy and its pupils, and the performance management of its staff; we ensure that the academy fulfills its statutory duties, for example under the Equality Act 2010, and other duties for example in relation to the ‘Prevent’ duty and safeguarding; and we oversee the financial performance of the academy making sure that the money is well spent including the pupil premium.

We are here to support and encourage our Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team and all academy personnel to ensure that every one of our children has access to an enriched education and to all the opportunities that they deserve to prepare them for the next stage of their education.

The priorities for academy improvement, this academic year, are as follows:

Quality of Education

  • Further improve outcomes for higher attaining pupils in all year groups.
  • Integrate the routine and effective use of iPads to improve teaching & learning.

Leadership & Management

  • Develop new line-management strategy for teaching assistants.
  • Develop and support new leaders in their roles.

Personal Development

  • Integrate a trust-wide approach to the delivery of handball as part of the academy’s co- curriculum offer.

Behaviour & Attitudes

  • Further develop strategies to reduce the absence of all pupils whose attendance is below national average.
  • Embed Redhill Academy Trust Equality Diversity and Inclusion objectives.

Finance & Operations

  • Re-structure of the administrative team.


Should you wish to contact me to discuss any matter further, I can be reached via the school office.

I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible throughout the school year.

Best regards

Michelle Sills

If you would like to get in contact with The Chair of Governors  please call  on 0115 9110402, email Michelle Sills at or ask at the school office.

For information about governance in the Redhill Academy Trust, please click here.

Trust Scheme Of Delegation May 2023

Supplemental Funding Agreement

Redhill Academy Trust – Official Governance Documents

For the Trust’s financial information, please click here

Meeting Attendance 2022 23


Our governors at TCJA:

Mrs Michelle Sills – Chair of Governors

Staff Headteacher

Mrs Sharon Wood

Staff Governors

Mrs Beth Hunter

Mrs Annette Satterley

Parent Governors

Ms Leanne Hoban

Miss Nadia Laxton


Ms Pat Clarke

Mrs Heather Hallam

Martin Kerry

Ms Lynne Thompson (Vice-Chair)

Further information on the governors can be found below:

NameType of governor and how appointedDate of appointment or last reappointmentTerm of officeBusiness/pecuniary interests declared as at September 2023Governance roles in other educational institutionsAttendance 2021/2022Attendance 2022/2023Attendance 2023/2024
Vanessa AlhinhoParent - appointed by board due to no election candidates28/01/2021 Resigned from Local Academy Board on 2 Oct 20234 yearsNoneNone3/61/4n/a
Patricia ClarkeCommunity - appointed by board01/04/20234 yearsNoneNone4/62/43/4
Heather HallamCommunity - appointed by board14/11/20214 yearsNoneNone1/63/42/4
Leanne HobanParent - appointed by board due to no election candidates20/03/20244 yearsNoneNonen/an/a2/2
Beth HunterStaff - elected by school staff03/11/20214 yearsNoneNone6/61/42/4
Martin KerryCommunity - appointed by board24/06/20234 yearsNoneNone5/64/43/4
Nadia LaxtonParent - appointed by board due to no election candidates20/03/20244 yearsNoneNonen/an/a2/2
Wendy MurphyCommunity - appointed by board26/01/2021 Resigned from Local Academy Board on 5 Feb 20244 yearsNoneNone2/60/40/2
Annette SatterleyStaff - elected by school staff01/09/20224 yearsNoneNone4/62/42/4
Michelle SillsCommunity - appointed by board19/05/20244 yearsProvides PPA cover & runs an after-school Dance Club at this schoolNone4/64/44/4
Bibiana Sokal-GreenParent - appointed by board due to no election candidates15/11/2019 Term of office ended on 14 Nov 20234 yearsNoneNone4/63/41/1
Lynne ThompsonCommunity - appointed by board27/09/20204 yearsNoneNone4/63/44/4
Sharon WoodStaff Headteacher - ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher01/09/2019 - ex-officion/aNoneNone6/64/44/4

Parent Governor Vacancy

These are the documents that will hopefully contain all the information you need if you wish to apply to become a parent governor at our school:

Letter To Parents Re Parent Governors

Governor Application Form 2023 24

Governor Eligibility RHA1C

Appendix 1 What To Expect As A Governor

Appendix 2 Person Specification

Appendix 3 Key Principles Of Governance

Appendix 4 Code Of Conduct