Grow Your Way to Greatness!

Over the next few years, your child will be encouraged to take steps towards aiming higher and making a difference to their own lives and the lives of others by developing awareness and skills in each of our school’s values: Excellence, Respect, Responsibility, Relationships and Determination.

Here at The Carlton Junior Academy, we aspire to be the best that we can be. We learn that trying new challenges is exciting and helps us to step outside of our comfort zone. We know that learning to tackle problems with positivity and resilience is key to becoming successful and well-rounded as we grow. We learn that responsibility is about doing our best to take care of the people and environment around us. This also gives us a huge sense of personal pride in the things we do and the people we can be.

Let’s work together to see just how far the children’s greatness can grow!

How to Grow Greatness!

Click Here to view the ‘Seeds to Success’ that your child can aim to complete whilst at the academy.

Step 1- In your child’s personal organiser you will find a copy of the “Seeds to Success”. The ‘seeds’ are tasks that the children have to complete. Each child is given a “We Grow Greatness” booklet, which they will keep for the whole of Key Stage Two.

Step 2- When your child achieves a ‘seed’ at home, send in some evidence (photos, leaflets, letters).

Step 3- Your child’s teacher will put a sticker in their booklet.

Step 4- Each half term everyone will be focusing on every child achieving the same seed. Your child’s class teacher will let you know which seed this is on Class Dojo.

Step 5- Each ‘seed’ goes towards achieving a certificate at the end of the year and then towards a special award at the end of Year 4 and Year 6.

Examples of Growing Greatness so far:

 A  child successfully auditioned on the Britain’s Got Talent TV show! (Yes, in front of those famous judges).
 Children have joined our variety of exciting after-school clubs including: table tennis, football and street dance.
 Children have driven their own learning forward by striving to achieve reading challenge badges.
 A  child instigated a project to help rid Garden Avenue of dog mess.
 Long hair has been donated to provide wigs for Cancer charities.
 Numerous out-of-school sporting trophies have been awarded.
 Many children have been awarded the Excellence of the Week award in assembly.

We hope that you and your children will enjoy trying new experiences or taking on new challenges.