School uniform can be obtained from:

My Clothing (online only)

Just-Schoolwear (store in Arnold)

We also have a stock of second-hand uniform that can be given to parents/carers as required – just ask Mrs Belshaw in the academy office. To facilitate this, any donations of uniform items (in good condition) are gratefully received!

Daily uniform
Red sweatshirt, jumper, fleece or cardigan (logo preferred).
Red polo shirt (logo preferred).
Black, grey or navy blue, straight leg trousers or skirts (at least knee length).
Plain socks & thick tights to match uniform colours (no flesh coloured tights or luminous/neon socks are allowed).Securely fastening black flat-heeled shoes (no luminous laces or trainers).
No jeans or tracksuit bottoms or leggings.
Headwear worn for religious reasons must be plain black.
However, during the colder months pupils may wear plain, flat, black boots (but not Ugg style).
In summer flat, securely fastening sandals in black, navy, red or white may be worn
In summer trouser style shorts in black, grey or navy (at least knee length) may be worn (not football or PE shorts) and girls may wear a red and white, academy style, summer dress if preferred.

PE – no branded logos (e.g. Nike) on any items
Black shorts.
Plain white round neck T shirt or white polo shirt.
Children work in bare feet for dance/gymnastics but will need trainers, either blue or black or white (no luminous laces) for indoor and outdoor games activities.
In winter children may wear a plain black, blue or grey tracksuit for outside activities.
Drawstring bags are by far the best bag for storing PE kit.
All uniform and PE kit should be labelled with names.

Recycling Rail