Our Year 3 Curriculum

Why not have a look at our curriculum maps and see what you will be learning this year? Where will our learning journey take you?

Curriculum Map Whole Year Journey – Year 3

Curriculum Overview Year 3 Autumn

Curriculum Overview Year 3 Spring

Curriculum Overview Year 3 Summer

Year 3

Hazel Class

Mrs Worrall

Three Interesting Facts:

  • I sang on a West End stage-wooooo!
  • I love New York.
  • I have a degree in History.

Elm Class

Ms Boruch

Three interesting facts:

I love musical theatre, especially Matilda
I have been to all 3 Disneylands
I have illustrated a children’s book about Space.

Year 3 Teaching Assistants

Mrs Hutchison

Ms Aleksanderek

This term’s topic is called ‘Rock On Through The Ages’, whereby we will be investigating which period of time was best to live in. To do this, the children will develop their understanding of both The Stone Age and Iron Age through exploring key events and studying artefacts. Did you know there were four different types of humans in the Stone Age? Click on the links to the sites and videos below to find out more facts about this exciting topic.

Spring Term

This term’s topic is called ‘Rampaging Romans’, where we will be looking at significant people throughout this period in History. We will be looking in more detail at what an empire is and why the Roman Empire were so powerful. We will build on our knowledge of time to be able to place the Ancient Romans on a timeline in relation to the Stone Age and present day.

As we are focussing on Italy as part of our History topic, we will look at the infamous Mount Vesuvius as part of Geography topic on Violent Volcanoes. We will be able to locate different places using an atlas and draw and label diagrams of volcanoes too. We will also look more detail on the position and significance of the Equator, Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.

Click on the following links to further explore each of the topics covered in each subject:


For our Science topics, we are looking at ‘Light’ and ‘Animals including Humans’. In our Light topic we will be looking at and investigating shadows as well as looking at natural and man-made light sources. In Animals including Humans, we will be focussing on looking at nutrition and what types of nutrition we need. We will also be looking in more detail about how humans and some animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.

Religious Education

Inspirational People of the Past: Islam and Christianity

This term, children will look at significant people to the Muslim and Christian faith. We will look at why Prophet Muhammad is important to Muslims and why Jesus is important to Christians. We will then compare these inspiring people to other non-religious inspiring leaders.

Summer Term

This term’s topic is called ‘Legends of Sherwood’. We will be exploring Sherwood Forest which dates back beyond 1066 and learning about the mischievous outlaw – Robin Hood. Did you know that Robin Hood was a skilful archer? He was also well known for taking from the rich to give to the poor. Click on the links to the sites and videos below to find out more facts about this exciting topic.