Rachel Clarke is the school SENDCo. She supports many families that have children with SEND. She works Wednesdays and Thursdays. If you have any questions or need any help at all, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by phone, email (via the office) or pop in for a chat.

0115 9110402

SENDCo Administrator

Mrs Philips is the SENDCo Administrator.

She works in school on a Wednesday

We believe that every child and their family matter, therefore the inclusion of pupils identified as having Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) in our school community is integral to the diversity and richness of school. Our whole-school inclusive ethos reflects a genuine belief that all children will achieve their full potential and foster a life-long love of learning.  We seek solutions to all barriers to learning for all our pupils and support all our families and pupils in the best way we can.

Link to resources around talking to children about Coronavirus – for schools and parents/carers:

SEND Information Report Sept 2024


Intimate Care Policy March 2024

Accessibility Plan June 2024

The SEND Local Offer aims to bring together helpful and useful information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families. It is a comprehensive guide to services and support all in one place. Please watch the video to find out more.

Local Offer

SEND Code of Practice

FamilyLine Launch 4pp A5

Contacts For Families With Children With SEND

Useful Organisations

National Sleep Helpline

I have found these websites which I hope may be useful to parents/carers. – A guide to support parents. – This site has good advice. – A link to the National Autistic Society.

Digital SAO Helping My Autistic Child – A link to keeping your autistic child safe online. Young Minds is a charity supporting mental health issues and has information on autism and ADHD. There is access to a parents helpline. A great website on health issues of children such as ADHD and autism.  It has a good parents page and also a page for children with some games to help them understand health issues including healthy eating and growing up.  There are also some brilliant little videos about getting medical tests, understanding various illnesses and how the body works. – This offers support with bedtimes. Ask us Nottinghamshire –Notts services and the local offer. The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service. – Nottingham support group for ADHD.  – A Place To Call Our Own Ltd (APTCOO) is a registered charity working positively together with other public and voluntary community organisations.  APTCOO works to improve the quality of life for families with disabled children and or special educational needs (SEND), supporting them to increase their independence and firstly realise and progressively reach their full potential.  Our vision is to create a centre of excellence using a hub and spoke model based in Mansfield and providing to the service users throughout the county of Nottinghamshire, East Midlands, through a Single Point of Access. – Information about medical conditions from colds and coughs to serious illnesses.  Very useful and recommended by GPs.

UKCIS Digital Passport – A communication tool to help children and young people with care experience talk with their carers about their online lives.