We love getting stuck into our science lessons! At The Carlton Junior Academy, we provide a high-quality science education which provides foundations for our children to have a secure understanding of the world. Through building a body of key knowledge, language, skills and concepts, our children are encouraged to develop a sense of enthusiasm and inquisitiveness about science. Through our profound curriculum, children are given the opportunity to develop their knowledge and we encourage children to apply their knowledge and develop their thinking skills further, to become a successful and confident independent learner. Children are taught to look for patterns in data, solve problems, predict and conclude and analyse through hands on investigations.
Ultimately, children use their skills to then make links and connections in the four key areas of scientific study; enquiry, physical processes, life processes and materials and their properties, whilst developing curiosity, awareness and independence. We include a range of learning experiences for our children, providing them to have the opportunity to focus on an additional science topic within the National Curriculum and wow experiences.
This can include external agencies, engaging assemblies and workshops that link into the additional science topic being taught. Enrichment and Engagement:• British Science Week – incorporating fun and unusual experiments for children to understand the impact of science on the world• STEM Club• Educational Visits to local places; Amazon Future Engineers and Museums• Children looking after and growing vegetables in our well-known vegetable patchOur intent when teaching Science include:We aim to spark curiosity and encourage questioning so that children gain a strong understanding of the world around them and achieve specific skills of investigation, for today and for the future. Our lessons are carefully planned, embedding scientific enquiry skills within in each topic studied. These topics are revisited and developed throughout their time at school, ensuring children have a secure understanding. When asked, our children explained their love for Science and the enjoyment they feel when completing a vast range of scientific activities and experiments.
Our model allows all children to develop and use a range of skills including observation, planning and investigation, as well as being encouraged to question the world around them and become independent learners in exploring possible answers for their scientific based questions. This supports effective communication of ideas and opinions. Scientific vocabulary is taught through focusing on the key features of scientific enquiry, so that pupils learn to use a variety of approaches to answer relevant scientific questions.